Visual Artist & Community Art Practitioner
Museum of Things
Year: 2019 - 2023
Maryhill Integration Network (MIN) is collaborating with the Glasgow Connected Arts Network (Glasgow CAN) on a new digital project which will culminate in a community-led resource exploring the transmission of creative ideas and exchanges of knowledge. Through this project, participants will be empowered to create their own museum exhibition: ​The Museum of Things.
The project may evolve in a number of ways, depending on how participants creatively respond to objects and artefacts, make their own art, become tour guides or be involved in curating the exhibition. We want the project to be inspired by the imagination of the participants, and their ability to craft meaning and stories for seemingly obscure and meaningless objects. We want to pose a challenge to tradition and to institutions: What if power and knowledge rested more in the hands of the visitors rather than the curators? What would happen? What would we discover? To find out, we want to bring together a diverse group of participants to share their understanding of the world through this new and unique collection.
The project will develop an online exhibition providing a space for participants to meet, share ideas and create a community-led resource which enables diverse communities to collaborate. We aim to create new, authentic narratives which challenge stereotypical views and will empower communities to take the lead in presenting their own stories. The project will be both surprising and enlightening, humorous and thought-provoking, curious and surreal.
The Museum of Things​ aims to create a culture without hierarchies and separation, by opening dialogue and allowing space for multiple narratives to exist and challenge preconceived notions and stereotypes. Following the stress of the pandemic, exacerbated by lockdowns, we want to deliver a participatory arts project that is creative, engaging, fun, imaginative and unifying.
The arts are a powerful tool for encouraging people in communities to talk to one another, when they may never normally do so. We want this project to bring hope and intrigue to the participants’ lives and give them new opportunities to channel their creative energies and be part of something exciting.
For further information of this project, please visit:
Year: 2023
Year: 2023
Year: 2019
Year: 2023